Health & Fitness Clubs
Love what you do, do what you love.
© Copyright Lexabean, LLC
Health & fitness is in our
Several of us at the Cousins
Club have run races ranging
from 5Ks to Marathons,
including several Boston
Marathons. So healthy
lifestyles is in our blood.
Health & Fitness Activities for your entire family
Studies have shown that one of the best ways to help you stick to your work out or weight loss plan is to
do it with other people. Advantages include providing more motivation to exercise. Studies have also shown a
connection between the quality of family bonding and future mental health.
Explore the great outdoors
The great outdoors is a place for endless discovery and escape from the daily grind. It is a vast natural
beauty that offers many opportunities and activities that are best done in groups. Many organizations
offer educational programs for family members of all ages. Hiking the great outdoors offers a sense of
adventure and exploration while at the same time connecting with your family.
A number of national and regional organizations provide educational, youth outreach and trail
information on many of the places you would want to go. Some of the best ones include:
National Audubon Society
Adirondack Mountain Club
Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Have an interest in helping the environment? Subscribe to our Newsletter for tips and suggestions for
special events such as Earth day and activities you can do with family, friends and your school to help
the environment.
Running is a great activity to do with the family near or far. Share training tips, Go on runs together.
Run a race together in a locale that can also double as a vacation spot.
If you decide to do a race with the family, make sure you find one that has distances appropriate for all
ages and abilities. There are plenty of race calendars on the Internet, but a few cater to events for the
family, including:
10 Popular Fun Runs For The Whole Family
Active.coms Active Family
Runners World Magazine: Races for the whole family
Plan your activities using Facebook Groups
Have a large extended family? Spread out geographically? Want to engage your family, develop
common interests and get to know each other better? Form a Club. These can be informal one time
events or more structured regular activities. The key is to find common interests or hobbies and start
interacting with your extended family.
Many of your cousins are probably already on Facebook. Creating a Facebook group for your family
can be a great way to develop common interests, share stories, photos and discuss plans for meeting
for a “club” activity or reunion. Making it a private group gives you more control over who can use
the group.
Click here for instructions on how to create a Facebook Group.
Pocket Trainer
Weight loss tools to fit into
your busy schedule. Take our
calculators on the go with
you. These include: a BMI
Calculator, 2 different calorie
calculators, a pace calculator
and a metric / imperial
conversion calculator.